

Course syllabus Usability and Design of Interactive Systems

Swedish name: Användbarhet och design av interaktiva system

Course code:
Valid from semester:
Autumn Term 2023
Education cycle:
Second cycle
4.5 credits
Grading scale:
Three-grade scale
Main field of study:
Systems Science for Defence and Security
Department of Systems Science for Defence and Security
Systems Science for Defence and Security
Language of instruction:
The teaching is conducted in English.
Decided by:
Forsknings- och utbildningsnämndens kursplaneutskott (KUS)
Decision date:

Entry requirements

Passed courses of at least 180 credits that include

\- at least 7,5 credits in the field of defence, crisis management, and security,

\- a written thesis project of at least 15 credits

and knowledge corresponding to English 6 (B).

Course content and structure

The course covers central theories about, and methods for, design based on user needs, and with the usability of the designed system in focus. Particular attention is paid to theories and methods that are often used in development of systems for defence and security. One aim of the course is to offer the student personal experience with the challenges involved in considering the intended users in system development. The course is therefore examined by giving the student a task of proposing, comparing. and evaluating possible solutions to a minor user-related design problem.

Teaching will be conducted in the form of lectures and seminars in which the students are offered the opportunity to, with teacher support, discuss and reflect upon the course material. The students are also expected to independently search for relevant literature to delevop knowledge within the framework of the course and guided by personal interets.

Type of Instruction
  • Seminars
  • Independet Study
  • Lectures


After completed course the student should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding
  • describe and explain central theories and methods for user-centred design.

Competence and skills
  • apply the theories and methods introduced during the course in a minor design task.

Judgement and approach
  • critically examine, compare, and appraise design proposals from a user-centred perspective.

Examination formats

Examination will be based on an individual written assignment.

Grades are set according to a three-grade scale: Fail (U), Pass (G), and Pass with credit (VG). Grading criteria are released no later than course start.

The examiner may decide that supplementary work is required in order for a passing grade to be achieved. Examination papers submitted late will not be graded, unless there are special reasons, which have been approved by the examiner.

Supplementary assignments are to be submitted no later than five working days after the notification of results and the supplementary assignment for the examination in question, unless there are special reasons, which have been

approved by the examiner.

There is no limit on the total number of examination opportunities. The total number is restricted to one ordinary examination and two retakes in any two-term period, unless special circumstances exist that are acceptable to the examiner.

Transitional provisions

When a course is no longer provided or when the content of a course has been significantly altered, the student/participant retains the right to be examined in accordance with this course syllabus once per term during a three-term period.

Other regulations

The course cannot be included in a degree with another course whose content fully or partially corresponds to the content of this course.

The examiner may decide on alternative forms of examination for a student, if that student has an approval from the Swedish Defence University concerning special pedagogical support due to disability.

On the completion of the course, an evaluation will be conducted under the auspices of the course director which will form the basis for any changes to the course.

This is an edited version of the syllabus, created to transfer the original to the education database Ladok education planning. For originals, refer to the archive.
Reading list decided date: 2024-02-19
Benyon, D. (2019). Designing User Experience: a guide to HCI, UX and interaction design (4th ed.). Pearson UK. ISBN 978-1-292-15551-7 (print) ISBN 978-1-292-15553-1 (eBook)

Johannesson, P., & Perjons, E. (2021). An Introduction to Design Science (2nd ed.). Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-030-78134-7 (print) ISBN 978-3-030-78132-3 (eBook)

Additional literature comprising a maximum of 400 pages . The texts (articles and book excerpts) will be provided on Canvas, when this is allowed, or, when not, with directions to where to find them.