

Jennie Bergström och Maria Edlund, Försvarshögskolans friskvårdspedagoger.

FHS Health and wellness week November 7–10

Week 45 is health week at FHS and all students are welcome to participate in our activities.

All classes during health week are open for everyone, no prior experience is required. FHS health team is in the entrance every lunchtime 11:00-12:30 to give you challenges and invitations, you are most welcome!

The Propeller-café helps to make healthy choices by serving two vegetarian dishes per day and some healthy snacks.

Some of the activities during health and wellness week

We all breathe, but are you aware of how you can use your breathing to lower stress levels and recover both mentally and physically? On the subject, we have a lecture with breakfast in the sports hall on Tuesday at 08:00-09:30 where you will learn just that!
Lecturer: Perita Almqvist, Motiverum. Pre-registration is required, email state your name and which course/program you´re in.

Goal focused?! We give you the opportunity to find a starting point with simple tests and then set a realistic goal. Tuesday at 13:00 -15:00 - test your physique with simple tests in the Multihallen. Register in advance for a test at 13:45-13:45, Beeptest, on the notice board in the physical corridor. The remaining tests do not require pre-registration.

På efterfrågan - boka torsdag 15:15 – 16:15. Ta med dig kollegan och dansa loss på ” Happy feet, Happy soul” med Perita Almqvist.

Back again - book Thursday 15:15 – 16:15. Bring your friend and dance to "Happy feet, Happy soul" with Perita Almqvist.

Jennie Bergström och Maria Edlund, FHS health&wellness-team

Contact if you have any questions.

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