Kristin Ljungkvist
Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor
- Kristin.Ljungkvist@fhs.se
- +46 8-55342898
- Department of War Studies
- Joint Warfare Division
- War Studies
About Kristin
- Engelsk beskrivning om dig själv
Dr. Kristin Ljungkvist is Associate Professor and senior lecturer of War Studies.
She received her Ph.D. in political science at the Department of Government, Uppsala University, Sweden, where she also held a post-doc fellowship from The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund. Ljungkvist is currently non-resident fellow on global cities at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Her research is broadly situated in the fields of critical security and war studies, international relations and urban sociology. Her current research has two primary focus areas. One focuses on urban security and warfare, global cities and on urban dimensions of global security challenges. The other research area focuses on the current reinstatement of total defence in Sweden, and its interrelated constitution of a new political order of security and defence.
Ljungkvist is the author of the well-received book The Global City 2.0 – From Strategic Site to Global Actor (2016, Routledge) and has published in outlets such as the European Journal of International Relations, Review of International Studies, Third World Quarterly, and Journal of Global Security Studies.
Latest publications
Hybrida attacker, militarisering och kravet på ett ständigt aktiverat totalförsvarPart of Är Sverige säkert nu? Perspektiv på svensk säkerhetspolitik
The military-strategic rationality of hybrid warfare : Everyday total defence under strategic non-peace in the case of SwedenPart of European Journal of International Security
Unpacking the varying strategic logics of total defencePart of Journal of Strategic Studies
Den ömsesidiga relationen mellan städer och krig, krig och städerPart of Kosmopolis
A choking(?) engine of war : Human agency in military targeting reconsideredPart of Review of International Studies