Stefan Borg
Docent, Lektor, Studierektor
- Stefan.Borg@fhs.se
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Om Stefan
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Stefan Borg is Associate Professor in Political Science and Director of Undergraduate Studies. His current research interests include US foreign, security and defence policy and International Political Theory.
Borg is the author of European Integration and the Problem of the State: A Critique of the Bordering of Europe (Palgrave 2015). His work has also appeared or is forthcoming in international peer-reviewed journals such as European Journal of Social Theory, European Political Science, European Security, Geopolitics, Global Affairs, International Affairs, International Journal, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of International Political Theory, Journal of International Relations and Development, Middle East Critique, Parameters, Review of International Studies, and Security Dialogue.
He currently convenes and co-teaches a master's course in Security Studies and Crisis Management (Politics, Security and Crisis), and a course on Liberalism (Liberalism and its Critics) at the undergraduate level.
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Senaste publikationer
“A Battle for the Soul of This Nation” : How Domestic Polarization Affects US Foreign Policy in Post-Trump AmericaIngår i International Journal