
Profilbild för Peter Haldén

Peter Haldén

Docent, Universitetslektor

  • Institutionen för krigsvetenskap
  • Strategiavdelningen
  • Krigsvetenskap

Om Peter

Beskrivning om dig själv
I am a Reader in War Studies at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm. I teach military strategy at the Joint Advanced Command and Staff Programme. Educated in Berlin, Florence, Stockholm and Strasbourg I am interested in long-term development of warfare and societies. As an afficionado of rugby, swimming, punk rock and baroque music, I divide my spare time between these pursuits.

My research interests fall into three broad categories: (A) The development of political order and orders of warfare, between and within polities; (B) Military organizations; (C) Climate change and war.

Often I apply a kind of longue durée research strategy that spans several centuries of European and Asian history. I am also very interested in comparative studies and my studies range from medieval European and Middle Eastern history to contemporary African security. In all of my research fields I endeavour to use research findings to enrich fundamental concepts of social theory. My main ambition is to join several disciplinary traditions, most importantly history, sociology and political science –and lately anthropology– in a mutually enriching study of politics and war.

Contact me on: peter.halden@fhs.se

Worlds of Uncertainty. War, Philosophies and Projects for Order. Cambridge University Press 2023

Family Power. Kinship, War and Political Order in Eurasia 500-2018, Cambridge University Press 2020.

Mod i strid och filosofi. Dygdetiska perspektiv från Aristoteles till drönarkriget [Courage in Combat and Philosophy. Virtue Ethics from Aristotle to the Drone Wars] (ed. w. B.Tjällén), Nordic Academic Press 2017.

Transforming Warriors: The Ritual Organization of Military Force (ed. w. P. Jackson), Routledge 2016.

A New Agenda for Statebuilding: Hybridity, Context, and History (ed. w. R. Egnell) Routledge 2013

Stability without Statehood: Lessons from Europe’s History Before the Sovereign State, Palgrave 2011.

Den Westfaliska Freden 1648: Kontext, arv och konsekvenser (editor) [The Peace of
Westphalia 1648: Context, Legacy and Consequences] Lund: Nordic Academic Press 2009.

The Geopolitics of Climate Change: Challenges to the International System Swedish Defence Research Agency, Stockholm 2007.

Compound Republics as Viable Political Systems: A Comparison of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and the European Union PhD Thesis Fiesole: European University Institute 2006.


The Poverty of Military Power: How collective power could benefit strategic studies’ (w. J. Ångström), Defense and Security Analysis, 2019.

Full-spectrum social science for a broader view on cohesion (w. I. Käihkö) Armed Forces and Society, 2019).

Organized Armed Groups as Ruling Organizations, Armed Forces and Society, 2018.

Geopolitics in the changing geography of the Baltic Sea Region: The challenges of climate change, Global Affairs, 2018.

Heteronymous politics beyond anarchy and hierarchy: The multiplication of forms of rule 750-1300, Journal of International Political Theory, 2017.

Reconceptualizing stateformation as Collective Power. Representation in Electoral Monarchies, Journal of Political Power 2014.

‘From Political Project to Analytical Grid: A History of the Public-Private Distinction, Civil Wars 2013.

A non-sovereign modernity. Attempts to engineer stability in the Balkans 1820-1890, Review of International Studies 2013.

Republican Continuities in the Vienna Order and the German Confederation 1815-1866, European Journal of International Relations 2013.

A Call for Hermeneutical Perspectives on Climate change and Conflict: The Case of Ethiopia and Eritrea, Journal of International Relations and Development 2011.

The Past, Present and Future(s) of Environmental Security Studies, Cooperation and Conflict 2011.

Systems-building before State-building: On the Systemic Preconditions of State-Building, Conflict, Security, and Development 2010.

Contextualising International State-Building (w. R. Egnell) Conflict, Security, and Development 2010.

Laudable, ahistorical and overambitious (w. R. Egnell) Conflict, Security, and Development 2009.

Book Chapters

Ritual Action and War in the Age of the Enlightenment” (w. J Angstrom) forthcoming in Möbius, Sascha A Cultural History of War Vol. 4 Chapter 8 Bloomsbury Publishing.

The Realm as European form of rule. Unpacking the warfare thesis through the Holy Roman Empire in Lars Bo Kaspersen and Jeppe Strandsbjerg (eds.) Does War make States? Investigations of Charles Tilly’s Historical Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2017

Kan dygetiken bryta den “postheroiska ängslan i 2000-talets risksamhälle in Haldén and TJällén (eds.) Mod i strid och filosofi. Dygdetiska perspektiv från Aristoteles till drönarkriget. Nordic Academic Press 2017

Inledning. Mod, dygd och militära miljöer (w. B. Tjällén) in Haldén and TJällén (eds.) Mod i strid och filosofi. Dygdetiska perspektiv från Aristoteles till drönarkriget. Nordic Academic Press 2017

Introduction (w. P. Jackson) in Haldén and Jackson (eds.) Transforming Warriors: The Ritual Organization of Military Force London: Routledge, 2016.

From Total to Minimal Transformation: German Oaths of Loyalty 1871-2014 in Haldén and Jackson (eds.) Transforming Warriors: The Ritual Organization of Military Force London: Routledge, 2016.

Conclusions. The Transformations of the Future in Haldén and Jackson (eds.) Transforming Warriors: The Ritual Organization of Military Force London: Routledge, 2016.

Respublikanism i mirovaya politika: politsentrichnyi poryadok i zaschita ot dominirovaniya, [Republicanism and World Politics: Creating Polycentric Order against Domination] in Rochin, Evgeny (ed.) Sovremennaya Respublikanskaya Teoriya Svobody St. Petersburg: European University Press 2015

Against Endogeneity: The Systemic Preconditions of State-Formation in R. Egnell and P. Haldén (eds.) A New Agenda for Statebuilding, London: Routledge, 2013.

Introduction: A New Agenda for Statebuilding”(w. R. Egnell) in R. Egnell and P. Haldén (eds.) A New Agenda for Statebuilding London: Routledge, 2013.

Conclusions (w. R. Egnell) in in R. Egnell and P. Haldén (eds.) A New Agenda for Statebuilding New Agendas for Statebuilding, London: Routledge, 2013.

From Empire to Federation and Commonwealth: Orders in Europe 1200-1800 in P F Bang and D Kolodziejczyck (eds.) Universal Empire: A Comparative Approach to Imperial Culture and Representation in Eurasian History Cambridge University Press, 2012.

The strategic and political use of potential climate change in conflict: the case of Somalia” in G. Chapman, T. Tvedt and R. Hagen (eds.) A History of Water: Series 2: Water and Geopolitics in the New World Order I B Tauris, 2010.

Geopolitik och konstitutionalism i Tysk-romerska riket 1648 [Geopolitics and constitutionalism in the Holy Roman Empire in 1648]’ in Haldén (ed.) Den Westfaliska Freden 1648: Kontext, arv och konsekvenser, Nordic Academic Press 2009.

Modell, metafor eller myt? Den westfaliska freden och studiet av internationell politik [Model, metaphor or myth? The Peace of Westphalia and the study of international politics' in Haldén (ed.) Den Westfaliska Freden 1648: Kontext, arv och konsekvenser, Nordic Academic Press 2009.

Somalia: Failed State or Nascent States-System? FOI-R--2598—SE Stockholm: Swedish Defence Research Agency 2008.