Profilbild för Edward Deverell

Edward Deverell

Docent, Lektor

Om Edward

Beskrivning om dig själv
Edward Deverell is Associate Professor/Docent in Political Science with a focus on Crisis Management at the Department of Security Strategy and Leadership. He holds a PhD from Utrecht University's School of Governance. Edward Deverell does research in Public Policy, Crisis Management and Organizational Learning and he is course convener for Politics and Public administration, Organization and Security and Bachelor's Thesis at the graduate level and for Public Policy Analysis at the postgraduate level. Edward Deverell’s research interests include organizational learning from crises, institutional crisis management, decision making under stress, public management reform and public agency communication. He has published his research in journals such as Public Management Review, Risk Management, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Defence Studies, and Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. Edward currently does research on crisis management professions, focusing on power relations and levels of discretion, and on vulnerabilities and effects of information influence activities.

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