Magnus Ekengren
Professor Proprefekt
- Magnus.Ekengren@fhs.se
- +46 8-55342713
- Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
- Institutionsledning
- Statsvetenskap
Senaste publikationer
Why are we surprised by extreme weather, pandemics and migration crises when we know they will happen? Exploring the added value of contingency thinkingIngår i Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
Coronapandemin-en smygande kris vintern 2020Ingår i Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift
Migration, Borders, and SocietyIngår i Understanding the Creeping Crisis
Understanding and Acting Upon a Creeping CrisisIngår i Understanding the Creeping Crisis
Understanding Creeping Crises : Revisiting the PuzzleIngår i Understanding the Creeping Crisis
SI 2019Magnus EkengrenSI 2024Magnus Ekengren