Simon Hollis
Docent, Lektor, Studierektor
- simon.hollis@fhs.se
- +46 8-55342593
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Om Simon
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Simon Hollis is associate professor at the department for political science. His research and teaching foci include international crisis management, climate security and methodology.
Publications and teaching on crisis management have focused on global and local risk governance with a particular emphasis on international and regional organisations as crisis managers. Both theoretical and empirical-based research has been published in this area, including Resilience in the Pacific and the Caribbean: The Local Construction of Disaster Risk Reduction (Routledge, 2021) and The Role of Regional Organizations in Disaster Risk Management: A strategy for global resilience (2015). Hollis has also worked with the European Commission and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency on crisis management issues.
A second research and teaching trajectory examines the intersection between climate, environmental issues, crisis management and security. Apart from teaching and publishing in this area, Hollis also runs an inter-departmental network on climate, crisis and security, and it currently working on a research project that examines climate action and geopolitical rivalries in the South Pacific and the Arctic.
Hollis’ methodological interests ask how knowledge is constructed and communicated in the Global North. To this end, his research engages with alternative forms of knowledge, especially Indigenous forms in the South Pacific (see Hollis and Halapua, 2025).
Hollis is also the director for the PhD programme in Political Science.
Senaste publikationer
Disasters in the Anthropocene : a storm in a teacup?Ingår i Disasters. The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management
Explaining the European Union's security role in practiceIngår i Journal of Common Market Studies
Transregional Crisis Management in AfricaIngår i Collaborative Crisis Management : Inter-Organizational Approaches to Extreme Events
Bridging International Relations with Disaster Studies : The case of disaster-conflict scholarshipIngår i Disasters. The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management
SI 2020Simon Hollis