Alastair Finlan
- Alastair.Finlan@fhs.se
- +46 8-55342533
- Institutionen för krigsvetenskap
- Operativa avdelningen
- Krigsvetenskap
Om Alastair
- Beskrivning om dig själv
Professor i Krigsvetenskap / Professor of War Studies
Forskningsområden / Research Areas:
Specialförband / Special Forces
Militär kultur / Military Culture
Militär strategi / Military Strategy
Modern krigföring / Modern Warfare
The Collapse of Yugoslavia 1991-1999, 2:a upplagen (Oxford: Osprey/Bloomsbury, 2022).
Contemporary Military Strategy and the Global War on Terror (New York: Bloomsbury, 2014).
Contemporary Military Culture and Strategic Studies (London: Routledge, 2013).
Special Forces, Strategy and the War on Terror: Warfare by Other Means (London; Routledge, 2008).
The Royal Navy in the Falklands Conflict and the Gulf War: Culture and Strategy (London: Frank Cass, 2004).
The Test of Terrorism: Responding to Political Violence in the Twenty-First Century (London: Routledge, 2014).
'Resistance and the Modern State: Exploring a society-based resistance capability pathway for Sweden in the shadow of the War in Ukraine', Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 23/2, 2024.
'Framtidens Slagfält: Modern teknik skapar nya stridsmiljöer' i Officerstidningen, No.3, 2022.
'The Shape of Warfare to Come: A Swedish Perspective 2020-2045', Defence and Security Analysis, 2021.
'Critically engaging the concept of joint operations: origins, reflexivity and the case of Sweden' with Anna Danielsson and Stefan Lundqvist, Defence Studies, 2021.
'A Dangerous Pathway? Towards a Theory of Special Forces', Comparative Strategy, 2019.
'The Perils of Special Approaches to Counterterrorism: The Shooting of Jean Charles De Menezes in 2005' Defense and Security Analysis, 2013
'The (Arrested) Development of UK Special Forces and the Global War on Terror', Review of International Studies, 2009.
'Trapped in the Dead Ground: US Counter-Insurgency Strategy in Iraq' Small Wars and Insurgencies, 2005.
'The Strategic Culture of the United Kingdom' in Kerry M. Kartchner, Briana D. Bowen, Jeannie L. Johnson (eds) Routledge Handbook of Strategic Culture (London: Routledge, 2023).
'Special Forces: Leadership, Processes and the British Special Air Service (SAS)' in Gitte Højstrup Christensen (ed.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Special Operations Forces (Copenhagen: Royal Danish Defence College, 2017).
'Tales and Images of the Battlefield in Contemporary Warfare' in Berit Bliesemann de Guevara (ed.), Myth and Narrative in International Politics (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
'The British Way in Warfare and the Global War on Terror' in Samy Cohen (ed.), Democracies at War Against Terrrorism (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
A Fertile Soil for AI?
Defense AI in Sweden
DAIO Study 23/14
(2023) https://defenseai.eu/english