
Studenter i samtal.

A unique academic environment

The Swedish Defence University (SEDU) aims to be an instrument for change in the fields of Defence and Security Policy. Through the development of new knowledge and by offering education and training, we make an active contribution to shape the future of defence.

The Swedish Defence University is Sweden's leading resource in, and first choice for, education, training and research in the management of crisis, war and periods of tension in the leadership of both civil and military agencies. The Swedish Defence University is an accredited institution for academic education for military and civilian students and researchers where different experiences, approaches and traditions come together.

Our task is to contribute towards national and international security through research and development. Research is carried out in diverse but inter-related subject areas and is subsequently disseminated to other interested sectors of society, both nationally and internationally.

Changing circumstances have made us a meeting place for the civilian and the military, the national and the international, history and future. For this reason, the University’s areas of expertise are continuously developing.

The students often have long and varied professional experience from military and civilian sectors. This is a valuable asset; learning is based to a large extent on the exchange of knowledge and experiences between students and tutors, but the exchange between the students themselves is also a very important part in the learning process.

Research at The Swedish Defence University concentrates on specially selected subject areas. Two of these – War Studies and Military Technology – are unique to the University. The others, which can be described as specialities within areas that already exist in Swedish academia, are: International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law, Crisis Management and International Cooperation, Leadership, Command and Control Science, Military History, Security Policy and Strategy.

All research projects are closely linked to the education and training at the University and look into areas which are not the subject of research at other colleges, universities and research institutions in Sweden. At the University we have a unique command and control laboratory, which supports research and exercises in the field of Command and Control Science.

The education and training at The Swedish Defence University is primarily aimed at officers and civilians in the total defence and crisis management sectors. We also run civilian courses in Political Science, Leadership, Military History, and Military Technology. Other civilian courses include higher courses in civil and military crisis management, higher management training, leadership under severe stress and higher national security courses.

The University education and training in Security Policy and Crisis Management, which focus on the international arena, are unique in Sweden and are run in collaboration with Sweden’s leading experts and other colleges and universities in Sweden and abroad.

Worthy of mention amongst the international courses run by The Swedish Defence University are the strategic leadership programme for decision makers, policy makers, academics and researchers working in the global societal security environment.

Strategic Leadership in the Global Societal Security Environment Programme

Discover the Swedish Defence University

"We educate both current and future civilian and military leaders."

Vice-Chancellor Robert Egnell in the film about the Swedish Defence University.

Education at SEDU

Studies at Swedish Defence University - a both civil and military university - offers a completely different experience compared to most other universities.

Discover our research

Our researchers cover the military and civilian aspects of defence, crisis management and security. Their research ranges from security policy, civilian crisis management and leadership to w...

Student web

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The Officers' Programme

The Officers' Programme is a three-year course lasting six terms, which – on successful completion of all modules – leads to the award of a bachelor's degree (a total of 180 credits).

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