Research School for War and Defence
The Research School for War and Defence is an international research school for military officers.
The core objective of the school is to strengthen the doctoral education in areas relevant for the armed forces and to provide a strong international network of soldier-scholars (i.e. military officers with a doctoral degree).
Additional objectives are to promote long term development of knowledge within the armed forces and strengthen research in important areas of professional military practices (such as warfighting, military organisation and profession, military leadership and defence planning).
The research school is open for military officers from member universities (and their armed forces), enrolled in a PhD programme.
Courses, workshops and seminars
The research school provides jointly organised educational activities at the doctoral level, such as courses, workshops and seminars.
Soldier-scholar conference
Once a year, the research school organises a conference for military officers currently enrolled as well as for soldier-scholars who have completed their doctoral education. The conference is mandatory for the doctoral students and provides an opportunity to present their research for other military doctoral students, soldier-scholars, member universities and the armed forces. The conference also offers workshops and activities for supervisors (to exchange knowledge and experiences of pedagogical aspects of soldier-scholar research education).
Elective courses
The research school offers at least two elective courses each year. The courses will be open for all military doctoral students of the research school. Additional places will be offered to civilian doctoral students at member universities. Initially, two courses will be offered each year by the Swedish Defence University. Additional courses will be offered when available, organised by member universities (by themselves or together with the Swedish Defence University). Courses will be selected each year by the steering committee.
Seminars and workshops
Member universities can offer seminars and workshops as a part of the research school. Seminars and workshops will be selected by the steering committee.
The research school also offers workshops and activities for supervisors. The Steering Committee can decide on additional activities within the research school.
Visiting scholarship
Doctoral students who are not enrolled at the Swedish Defence University can apply for a visiting scholarship. The Swedish Defence University has a well-developed PhD program and a research environment within several subjects (War Studies, Political Science and Military History). The scholarship can be awarded for one to two terms (one term is 20 weeks), and includes access to the library and a working station (all travel costs are covered by their own university). The doctoral student is expected to participate in research seminars and other activities at the Swedish Defence University during the scholarship.
Alumni-network and mentorship programme
The research school will have an alumni network of soldier-scholars. This is an opportunity for the alumni to stay in touch with the research school. It also offers the option of becoming a mentor for one of the doctoral students enrolled in the research school.
The main purpose of the mentorship programme is to connect alumni and the doctoral students of the research school in a meaningful way, thereby creating mutual benefit, and cementing a stronger relationship between all involved: the doctoral student, the alumni and the research school.
More about the research school
The research school is hosted by the Department of War Studies at the Swedish Defence University and is governed by a steering committee and a director, with additional strategic advice prov...

Administrative costs for the research school will be covered by a yearly membership contribution from member universities.

Elective courses
Read more about the elective courses for 2025. Additional courses will be offered when available, organised by member universities

Related news

From West Point to the Swedish Defence University
On 1 January 2025, Professor Antulio Echevarria assumes his role as the inaugural holder of the Tibell Visiting Professorship in War Studies. He will also serve as the director of the Swedish Defence University's Research School for War and Defence.
Interested in joining our research school?
Contact Associate Professor Kersti Larsdotter for more information.
Senior Lecturer, Director of studies, Associate Professor
Kersti.Larsdotter@fhs.se +46 8-55342551