Students and officers during wargame. Photo: Anders G Warne.
Exercises in international law
In the Master's program International Operational Law, role-playing and scenario-based exercises that mimic real-life situations play an important role in the education, as students get to take on roles that they will deal with during their professional careers.
Exercises in international operational law brings the law out of the students' textbooks and make it come alive. International operational law is a complex area, involving as it does a great deal of technical details and weighty values alike. But by placing the law the students have acquired in a context, such as in a fictional war crimes trial, one can sense the real nature of the area, with complicated facts and heightened moral stakes. Mooting bring genuine appreciation to its participants that administering international criminal justice is a painstaking, gradual process that requires a lot of patience, thinking and preparation.
Join the Simulated ICC War Crimes Trial Hearing 2023 on 24 November
Role play on the Master's Programme International Operational Law
International law students role-play with judges from the ICC
In this fictitious war crimes trial, students get to assume the roles of prosecutors and defense lawyers and plead before the International Criminal Court's (ICC) bench.
"Role-playing takes law out of the textbooks"
As part of a course in international operational law, lecturer Nobuo Hayashi has created a role-playing game in the form of a fictional war crimes trial in Afghanistan.

Emma played the role of defence lawyer in the role play with the ICC judges
Scenario-based role plays and tabletop exercises are popular features in the programs of the Swedish Defence University. We are having a chat with the Belgian student Emma Gonzales-Puell.

War games sharpen skills for a career as a legal advisor
In the Master's programme International Operational Law, the students take part in a joint scenario exercise together with officers from the Senior Officers Program.