

Previous open lectures

Here you will find some of the previous speakers:

  • Research funding opportunities within climate and security, speakers from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, Mistra and Vinnova.
  • The Anthropocene as politics: climate risks and practices of epistemic co-production in European Union climate security, Niklas Heijl Bremberg, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Stockholm University.
  • Ongoing activities related to climate change, crisis management and security, Maria Jontén, Coordinator at the Collaboration Department, Swedish Defence University.
  • Five urgent questions on ecological security, Dan Smith, director, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
  • The legitimacy beliefs of indigenous peoples vis-à-vis global adaptation governance institutions; legitimacy, justice and participation, Suanne Mistel Segovia Tzompa, postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Leadership, Command & Control at the Swedish Defence University, and associated researcher at the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS) doing research at the intersection between climate and disaster governance.
  • Environmental peacebuilding in Colombia – counter-intuitive impacts on human rights defenders, Fariborz Zelli, professor at Lund University.
  • Climate security and the science-to-policy interface during the Swedish period in the UN Security Council 2017-2018, Malin Mobjörk, Formas.
  • Past, present, and future of research on climate, crisis, and security , Ashok Swain, Professor at Uppsala University.
  • Climate change loss and damage, Edward Page, Professor at the University of Warick.
  • Climate, migration and health, Sonja Ayeb Karlsson, Associate Professor at University College London.
  • The geopolitics of sustainability transformations, Björn-Ola Linnér, Professor at Linköping University.
  • The anthropocene crisis as security practice, Madeleine Fagan, Professor at the University of Warick.
  • Climate crisis: from an individual responsibility to a societal concern, Misse Wester, Professor at Lund University.
  • Artistic approaches to environmental crisis, Dorota Łagodzka, Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw.
  • Climate change, disasters, and conflict, Ilan Kelman, Professor at University College London.