Networks and cooperative efforts
The Swedish Defence University cooperates with several national and international higher education institutions, organisations and companies.
We also have several specialised centres that bring together expertise in specific areas and work with analysis, research, education and practice.
The Centre for International and Operational Law conducts research in the domains of international and domestic legal aspects of military, crisis and emergency management operations. The Centre is also responsible for the legal components in all courses and programmes run by, or in conjunction with, the Swedish Defence University.
The activities at the Centre of Special Operations Research (CSOR) rest on four cornerstones - research, education, academic outreach and operational support to the Armed Forces' special operations units.
Centre for Cyber Defence and Information Security (CDIS)
The Centre for Cyber Defence and Information Security (CDIS) develops knowledge that will strengthen Sweden's cyber defence and information security.

Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS)
The Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science, CNDS, is a national platform for research on the nexus between socio-technical vulnerability and extreme events. CNDS researchers are affi...

Climate, Crisis and Security Network
The purpose of the network is to develop the rapidly growing field of research that links climate, crisis and security studies at the Swedish Defence University.

East Asian Security and Strategy Programme
The East Asian Security and Strategy Programme at the Swedish Defence University conducts research related to China’s impact as a rising power in regional and global security. Strategies and...

European Societal Security Research Group
The European Societal Security Research Group brings together researchers from different disciplines focusing on the EU's expanded security role.

Forum for Cyber Security and Cyber Operations
The Forum for Cyber Security and Cyber Operations provides a platform for collaboration and outreach for researchers and teachers from different areas within the field of cyber security and/...

Narrative Research Lab
The aim of the Narrative Research Lab (NRL) is to create and disseminate scientific knowledge about how narratives and strategic communication – that is, stories about society and the world...