Forum for Cyber Security and Cyber Operations
The Forum for Cyber Security and Cyber Operations provides a platform for collaboration and outreach for researchers and teachers from different areas within the field of cyber security and/or cyber defence and operations at the Swedish Defence University.
The full consequences of increased digitalization for the area defence, crisis management and security are not yet known. Cyber security and cyber operations are domains where consequences of digitalization already have materialized. This development requires new knowledge and new ways of understanding threats, risks and vulnerabilities.
Increased reliance on digital technologies implies an increased demand on knowledge and skilled professionals within the field. Many universities are focusing on the technological development and its consequences, for example regarding cryptography, secure software development and network security.
Focus on human aspects of cyber security and cyber operations
The research at the Swedish Defence University contributes to the evolving field of cyber security and cyber defence through its focus on the human and organizational aspects of cyber security and cyber operations. For example, the interaction between technical and social components, the use of cyber operations, security policy and risk regarding cyber, as well as legal aspects of cyber security and cyber operations.
Research and education
The forum includes both research and education/training.
The research includes a wide range of related research areas, such as cyberwarfare and international humanitarian law, the securitization and militarization of cyberspace, cyber operations, socio-technical perspectives, and cyber crisis management.
Research projects
Here you will find examples of ongoing research projects within the domain of cyber security and cyber warfare:
Education and training
When it comes to education an training, the Swedish Defence University has a major role to play to further the required knowledge and understanding within the field and prepare skilled professionals for the modern five-domain battlefield.
We participate in the Centre for Cyber Defence and Information Security (CDIS) since 2021 and contribute, among other things, to the KTH Royal Institute of Technology's new master's program in cyber security, as well as to KTH's doctoral studies.