Magnus Ekengren
Professor Proprefekt
- Magnus.Ekengren@fhs.se
- +46 8-55342713
- Department of Political Science
- Department Management
- Political Science
Latest publications
Why are we surprised by extreme weather, pandemics and migration crises when we know they will happen? Exploring the added value of contingency thinkingPart of Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
Coronapandemin-en smygande kris vintern 2020Part of Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift
Migration, Borders, and SocietyPart of Understanding the Creeping Crisis
Understanding and Acting Upon a Creeping CrisisPart of Understanding the Creeping Crisis
Understanding Creeping Crises : Revisiting the PuzzlePart of Understanding the Creeping Crisis
Research projects
SI 2019Magnus EkengrenSI 2024Magnus Ekengren