Library at Military Academy Karlberg
The Karlberg branch library for Officer Programme cadets.

The Karlberg branch library
The branch library is for the Officer Programme’s cadets. Students have access to the library 6 AM to 10 PM everyday of the week.
The branch library is not open to the general public.
Opening hours
Officer Programme cadets and Karlberg key card holders have access to the library between 6 AM and 10 PM every day of the week. Digital resources can be accessed any time of the day by logging in with your SEDU account.
- The library’s study spaces and resources are accessible from 6 AM to 10 PM on weekdays.
- On weekends contact the Karlberg guards to visit the library.
- Check items in and out by using the self-check machines.
Staffed hours
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 AM - 4 PM
Tuesday 12:30 PM - 4 PM
If help is required when the library is not staffed
- In case of emergency, for example if there is a problem with the building, read the information on the board by the entrance to Fältskären: “Information about the building/ In case of accident”.
- For less urgent problems, for example malfunctioning computers or books that cannot be found, e-mail to or visit the library during opening hours.
- If the self-check machine malfunctions: write your library card number, your name, the book’s title and the bar code. The bar code is on the book’s back cover. Leave the note on the librarian’s desk.
- Contact the main library for help
Telephone: 08-553 425 60
Telephone information service
08–553 429 57
Visiting address
Militärhögskolan Karlberg
Karlbergs slott, Karlbergs slottsväg, Solna
Building: Fältskären
Postal address
Anna Lindh-biblioteket
Filialen Karlberg
Box 27805
115 93 Stockholm
More information
The branch library is for the Officer Programme’s cadets. The areas of specialty at the branch library are military science, military technology and leadership.
Cadets can order books from the main library or the Swedish Armed Forces library free of cost. Study spaces and computers are provided. During hours that the library is manned information search assistance is available.
The branch library is not open to the general public but literature can be ordered for picking up at the main library.