Opening hours
Staffed hours:
- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 AM - 5 PM
- Tuesday 11:30 AM - 5 PM
- Friday 9 AM - 3 PM
Extended opening hours 6 AM to 10 PM
Personnel and students at the Swedish Defence University can access the library between 6 AM to 10 PM every day of the week. You can be in the library and use the books outside normal opening hours. Digital resources can be accessed any time of the day by logging in with your SEDU account.
More about the extended opening hours
- Students and personnel of the Swedish Defence University can use the library’s study spaces and resources between 6 AM and 10 PM every day all year round.
- When the library closes for the day you must leave and take all your possessions with you. When the guard permits you can reenter with your key card.
- Use the little door to the right of the main entrance when the library is not manned.
- Do not let in unauthorised visitors.
- Check in and check out items in the self-check machines.
NB: Leave the library at 10 PM or you might get locked in. Listen to the audio signal just before closing.
In case of extraordinary events
- In case of emergency: consult the contact information posted by the library’s little door and the photocopier.
- For less urgent problems, like malfunctioning computers or books that cannot be found, e-mail to alb@fhs.se or visit the library during opening hours.
- If the self-check machine malfunctions: wait until another day to check out the book or follow the instructions posted next to the machine.
Visiting address
Drottning Kristinas väg 37
Metro station
Tekniska Högskolan - Direction
Contact us
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
10 AM - 11 AM
1 PM - 2 PM
+46 8-553 425 60
Other means of contact
You can contact us via more digital services like chat and video meetings in Zoom. More information about this via the link below.
Our services and staffed opening hours
Telephone in Zoom - how it works
- Call 08- 503 397 28
- Push the meeting number 617 1479 3141 #
- Follow the instructions
Main library
Personnel and students with key cards have access to the library 6 AM to 10 PM every day of the week.
The main library at the Swedish Defence University is open to students, personnel, researchers and the general public. Current literature of the library’s area of focus as well as older military collections are in the main library. There are different types of study spaces and visitors can access the library’s e-resources.
Books can also be ordered from the library function at the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters and the Karlberg branch library.
You can contact us by telephone or e-mail if you have a general question, for example about borrowing a book or asking us if we have certain literature, contact the main library’s service desk. There you will receive speedy help during opening hours.
If you want to renew a loan or reserve a book you can also use My loans.