My loans - self-service round the clock
Using My Loans you can request books, renew loans and get information when your books are due to be returned

Access My loans
Upon receiving a library account you get access to the self-service portal My loans which you can find on our web site.
To login - student or employee
If you are a student (at SEDU) or an employee you use your FHS account and password.
To log in - general public
If you are not a student or an employee at Swedish Defence University (SEDU) you use either your e-mail address or your Swedish personal number and password.
If you forget your password to My loans
Are you a student (at SEDU) and have forgot your password?
» Instructions at the Student Web
Employees (at SEDU) can find instructions at Mitt FHS.
General public
If you are not affiliated with SEDU and have forgot your password you can reset it via our Forgot password link. Click on My loans
- Choose Not a student/employee at SEDU
- Choose Forgot your password?
- Fill in either your e-mail address or your Swedish personal number in the form
New PIN code?
If you need a new PIN code, log in to My loans. Click on the heading Personal information and PIN code. Then choose and enter a new code on the page that opens. Do not forget to save.
Requesting books
If the book you want to borrow is checked out you can reserve it. This also applies to books in stacks or at the library branches at Karlberg and the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters
Books that are available at the main library are not requestable, you pick them from the shelf and borrow them yourself.
- Find the book in Primo.
- Click on Request and fill in the needed information. You will be e-mailed when the book can be picked up. Please only select a pickup library that you have access to.
- Requested books can be picked up from a shelf at the entrance to the main library. You then borrow the book in one of our self-service machines.
Renewing loans
Renew your loan using My loans. You can also renew loans by mailing us.
If a loan cannot be renewed it could mean that:
- the book is requested and reserved
- the maximum number of renewals has been exceeded
- your overdue fines total SEK 100
- your library account has expired and needs to be extended