Welcome to read and study in the library
The main library has a lot of different study spaces. Welcome!

The university library is accessible to students and personnel of the Swedish Defence University every day between 6 AM and 10 PM. The general public is welcome during the manned opening hours.
In the university library there are study spaces, group rooms and computers for the Swedish Defence University’s students or course participants.
The general public may use the study spaces and computers.
The library is a workplace for university students and personnel as well as other visitors. Help us create a good working environment for studying.
Rules for visitors
Mobile phones
Mobile phones are allowed in the library if the sound is switched off. If you must talk on the phone please do so outside the library.
Food and beverages
You may bring in beverages and sandwiches if you are careful. There are lunch spaces on the 4th floor for eating your own meals.
Personal belongings
The library does not assume responsibility for personal belongings forgotten in the library. Forgotten items are left in the Swedish Defence University’s Reception. An exception is a lost library card which can be picked up at the library’s information desk upon proof of identity.
Study spaces and quiet zone
The library has a quiet zone on the lower floor. Conversation is not allowed. On the upper floor conversation is allowed provided consideration to other visitors is shown. Group rooms can be booked for group work.
Thank you for your consideration!
» Group rooms and study spaces