How to find articles
If you want to find the full text of a specific article, you can try searching for it in Primo here on the website.
The library subscribes to nearly 15,000 electronic journals in full text. The general public is welcome to read the full text of articles from the public computers in the library.
Students and employees can reach the full text of articles with their FHS account, even remotely.
Start your articles search
In your reading list it says:
Rees, W. (2017). America, Brexit and the security of Europe. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19(3), 558-572.

Start the search for your article in Primo. A tip is to select part of the title of the article and put the phrase in quotation marks.
The entrance for journals is mainly used if you want to search for a specific journal.

Right away or after a few intermediate steps, your search results should look like the image above. You can reach the article in full text directly if you are in the library's IT area or remotely using login if you are a student or employee at the Swedish Defence University.
More help?
If you do not find what you are looking for and want help - go to our information desk and ask a librarian. We are happy to help you find it.
Other ways of finding articles
Besides using the library´s search tool Primo, as described above, there are some other ways to find an article.
Via the library´s database list
If you already know in which database you will be able to find your article you could search for it directly in that database. You can find the database in the database list on the library web site. As a student or employee at the Swedish Defence University you can reach the database remotely as well.
» Anna Lindh library database list
Via the library´s electronic journal portal BrowZine
Here you can browse among the majority of the electronic journals of the library as well as making keyword searches. As a student or employee at the Swedish Defence University you can reach full text articles in BrowZine remotely as well.
» BrowZine
Via search engines like Google using a web browser extension
You can also find articles outside of the library´s tools (Primo, database list, BrowZine). You will need to install a web browser extension. If your computer is from the Swedish Defence University the extension is already installed in Chrome and Edge. As a student or employee at the Swedish Defence University you can reach full text articles via the web browser extension remotely as well.