


When you finish your studies, you may wish to apply for a degree certificate. The degree certificate verifies your completed studies and the knowledge you have acquired.

To obtain a degree certificate, you must meet the qualification requirements. Your application is examined against applicable national and local rules. If the qualification requirements are met, the qualification is issued.

Digital degree certificates

As of 1 Mars, 2024, The Swedish Defence University will only issue digital degree certificates in Ladok. A digital degree certificate contains the same information as a degree certificate in paper format. For you as a student, this means that you can collect your degree certificate directly from Ladok, instead of receiving it sent to you from your university.

The degree certificate you download is a representation of the decision on your qualification that is stored in Ladok. Therefore, you can download the degree certificate as many times as you want, and the information will always be identical to the current decision on the degree.

The degree certificate you download is a representation of the decision on your qualification that is stored in Ladok. Therefore, you can download the degree certificate as many times as you want, and the information will always be identical to the current decision on the degree.

Once the degree has been issued, collect the degree certificate by logging in to Ladok for students and selecting the "Degrees and certificates" tab (applies only if your degree is issued after 1 Mars 2024).

We will send a message to the e-mail address you have in Ladok when the decision on the degree application has been made. Therefore, it is important that you have registered an e-mail address that you use. You can change your e-mail address yourself in Ladok for students.

When you are waiting to receive a decision, please check your spam folder in case the e-mail has ended up there.

To open the degree certificate correctly, you must first download it onto your computer and then open it with a PDF reader. If you try to open it with a PDF editor, you may not be able to since the document is not allowed to be edited.

The diploma you download will be e-stamped. This means that the recipient of the diploma can verify that the document has not been changed since it was downloaded from Ladok.

Read about digital degrees and verification of e-stamped documents here.

Applying for a degree certificate

Apply digitally by logging into Ladok. Use your FHS account. Ensure your contact details in Ladok are correct before you submit your application.

If you have forgotten your Ladok log-in details, you can create a new account on eduID or select Ladok for alumni. You can also apply for a degree certificate by using the form Application for Degree Certificate.

If you do not have a FHS account/higher education diploma

If you do not have an active FHS account or if you wish to apply for a Higher Education Diploma (120 credits), apply with the form Application for Degree Certificate Pdf, 145.7 kB.. If you have transferred credits to be included in your qualification, you must attach the relevant decision documentation. This also applies to studies abroad.

The following information is intended for you who hold a degree and want to share information about it with someone (e.g. an employer).

If you are a student or alumnus and hold a degree, you can log in to Ladok for students and retrieve a code for sharing information about your degree.

By sharing the control code, you make it possible for the recipient (e.g. an employer) to access information about your degree and its content.

Read more about sharing of degrees here

Qualifications at the Swedish Defence University

The Swedish Defence University issues the following qualifications. One semester’s study corresponds to 30 credits.

Qualification rules for education at first second and third cycle at the Swedish Defence University Pdf, 302.7 kB.

  • Higher Education Diploma (120 credits)
  • Batchelor's degree (180 credits)
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Military Studies (professional qualification, 180 credits)
  • Master's degree (60 credits)
  • Master's degree (120 credits)
  • Licentiate (120 credits)
  • Doctor (PhD) (240 credits)

Main fields of study

Main fields of study in the Bachelor's degree (K), Master's degree (60 credits) (Mg) and a Master's degree (120 credits) (Ms)

Below are the primary areas that represent the main field of study of each degree.

Main fields of study in the Bachelor's degree (K), Master's degree (60 credits) (Mg) and a Master's degree (120 credits) (Ms) at the SEDU

Main field of study


System Science for Defence and Security


History with a specialisation in Military History

Historia med inriktning mot militärhistoria

K Ms

Law with a specialisation in International Law

Juridik med inriktning folkrätt


International Operational Law

Juridik med inriktning mot internationell operativ juridik


War Studies


Mg Ms

Leadership and Command & Control for Defence, Crisis Management and Security

Ledarskap och ledning för försvar, krishantering och säkerhet

K Mg Ms

Political Science: Security Studies

Statsvetenskap med inriktning mot krishantering och säkerhet

K Mg Ms

Third-cycle subject areas

Third-cycle subject areas in Licentiate of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy.

L: Licentiate of Philosophy
D: Doctor of Philosophy

Third-cycle subject areas in Licentiate of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy at the SEDU

Third-cycle subject areas


History with Specialisation in Military History

Historia med militärhistorisk inriktning


War Studies



Leadership and Command & Control

Ledarskap och ledning


Political Science: Security Studies

Statsvetenskap med inriktning krishantering och säkerhet



Once you have applied for your degree certificate and the Swedish Defence University has issued and registered the qualification in Ladok, you are considered to have graduated.

Courses included in your qualifications must be at a higher education level and completed with a final grade.

A course that is part of a first-cycle qualifying degree consisting of a maximum of 180 credits, cannot be used in a general degree at second-cycle for the same student.

The degree certificate consists partly of a front page where the issuing date and degree designation are shown and partly of one or more pages where the names, credits, grades and grading dates of the constituent courses are shown. All the information in the degree certificate is given in Swedish and English.

The degree certificate also includes a Diploma Supplement in English. This describes the education and its place in the Swedish education system.

The degree certificate is dated with the date on which the qualification is issued.

If the application for degree certificate is complete when it is received, it should not take longer than a month, normally. At the end of semester and holiday times, the processing time may be longer, however, no longer than two months.

Before you apply for a degree certificate you must check that your name is correct in Ladok. Name information is collected from the population register, which is updated regularly. It is not possible to change the name on a diploma that has already been issued.

Then you can obtain a certified copy from the Swedish Defence University's archive, please contact the archive by email:


If you have questions about qualifications and degrees, please contact us by email:
