Summative assessment and examinations

Most courses include summative assessments to test your skills. Summative assessments can be carried out in different ways: for example, by a written examination, an academic paper, a take-home examination (an unsupervised examination), a written assignment or report.

Result information

The results are available within 15 working days after the summative assessment has taken place. If it takes longer, students should be informed. The results are communicated via e-mail or on message boards on campus. The course coordinating teachers inform students when the results are available.

Adapted examination

If you have a permanent disability, you have the opportunity to have an adapted examination. This may apply to both the formulation of the assignment and where the examination may take place.

The need for an adapted examination needs to be reported to the course coordinating teacher or examiner. Documentation that proves your support needs should be submitted. Preferably, report the need as early as possible, at the latest when registering for the summative assessment..

What adaptations should be made is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Grant authorisation to collect examination

If you are unable collect your examination yourself, you can grant authorisation to another person to collect it for you. The representative must be at least 18 years of age and bring:

Academic writing

Study with disabilities

Rules for summative assessment at the first and second-cycle level Pdf, 121.1 kB.
