

University Administration

The university administration is responsible for ensuring common standards of administration that support the university management and our core activities: Education and Research.

The university administration provides service and support for the staff and students of the university.

More about The Swedish Defence Universitys Board and Directorate.


We work at the University Administration

The administration consists of eight divisions. The Head of University Administration is University Director Christina Zander. Information about the divisions and Head of Divisions below.


The Anna Lindh Library is a university library specialised in defence and foreign and security policies. The library is a resource for students, teachers, researchers and personnel at the Swedish Defence University.

Anna Lindh Library website

The Anna Lindh Library consists of the main library in the Swedish Defence University and the branch library at the Military Academy Karlberg. Everyone is welcome to the main library, the general public as well as students from other universities. The branch library at Karlberg is not open to the public.

The library is also responsible for the library function at the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters.

The Anna Lindh Library consists of two sections, Section for Educational Technology and Section for Scientific information provision. Head of Anna Lindh Library is Catrin Mårdell.

Contact Anna Lindh Library at

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The External Relations and Communication Office is on a central level responsible for developing and providing support within communications and brand. The office is responsible for media relations.

Head of External Relations and Communications is Camilla Magnusson. Contact:


Camilla Magnusson

Head of External Relations and Communication, Head of Division +46 8-55342736

Human Resources is responsible for strategic and operational coordination of employer strategies, recruitment, working environment, gender equality and discrimination issues, We offer consultations, advice and support, to organise and carry out competence development, and to make assessments within Human Resources.

Nike Gårdinger is Head of Human Resources.

Contact HR:

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IT-avdelningen ansvarar för IT-system, inklusive förvaltning, säkerhet och utveckling vid högskolans lokaler i Stockholm och Karlstad. Avdelningen sköter även IT-miljön hos Försvarshögskolans internhyresgäster.

The IT Office is responsible for IT systems, including administration, security and development at the university's premises in Stockholm and Karlstad. We also manages the IT environment for the Swedish National Defence University's internal tenants.

Head of IT is Marith Wiedersheim-Paul.

The Research, Education and Student Office supports the University and contains of two sections.

Study Administration Section is responsible for and coordinates support in the study administration area. Head of Section is Anna-Karin Thimgren.

Academic Support Section is responsible for and coordinates support in matters relating to educational and research support. Head of Section is vakant

Head of the Research, Education and Student Office is Maria Gustafsson. Contact:

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The Service Office is responsible for and coordinates the university support. Legal support, Archive and Registry is located in this Office, as well as two sections and the Security Function.

Infrastructure Section is responsible for strategic premises supply, service support and management as well as development of our premises in Stockholm and Karlstad. Head of Infrastructure Section is Peter Landén.

Procurement Section coordinates procurements and support matters related to procurement, purchasing and contracts. Head of Section is Charlotte Edvinsson.

The Security Function is responsible for security, security protection, IT and information security as well as signal protection at the SEDU. Head of Security is Elisabeth Wall.

Head of the Service Office is Jörgen Croon.

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Is responsible for business management and financial accounting at the SEDU.

Here lies the responsibility for planning, payment management, financial follow-up and risk management, financial model, financial statistics and coordination of the university's environmental work.

The Strategic Planning and Finance Office contains of three Sections:

Controller Section which, among other things, supports the Departments with financial issues. Head of Section is Monica Källström.

Planning Section with responsibility for the university's budget system and financial model, coordination of strategic planning and budget documents, internal planning directives, budget, four-month follow-ups and annual report. Head of Section is Camilla Ottengren.

Finance Section with responsibility for financial accounting, payment management and financial statements. Karin Edman is Chief Accountant.

Head of the Strategic Planning and Finance Office is Planning Director Pernilla Öhrström.
