Five reasons to study here
Master degree at the Swedish Defence University
Defence, crisis management and security is our specialisation
Regardless of their background and previous studies, all our students share a common interest in defence, crisis management and security. We are one of few universities globally where civilian and military students meet, and where our lecturers have experience and knowledge from both the military and academic worlds.
Career preparation
Our programmes prepare you for your future career. Studies comprise a combination of theory and practice, for example scenario-based role-plays, exercises and internships at government agencies, private companies or Non Governmental Organisations, (NGOs).
Design your own studies
Our programmes provide opportunities for elective courses where you can deepen your insights into areas of particular interest. Perhaps hybrid warfare, intelligence analyses or cyber threats?
Broaden your horizon through our Exchange Programme
In our two-year programme, you have the option of studying one term at another university somewhere in the world through our Erasmus Exchange. We have exchange agreements with, for example, Sciences Po Paris, the University of Bologna and the University of St Andrews.
Multiple career opportunities
Advisor, analyst, expert, researcher. There is a range of professional titles and a wide labour market waiting for you when you graduate. Regardless of which programme you choose, you will have acquired expert knowledge in your field of studies. You may want to put it to use in the political and diplomatic field, in crisis preparedness and security or in the defence sector.
Find your programme

Politics, Security and Crisis
The master’s programme Politics, Security and Crisis provides a tailor-made political science knowledge and insights into issues that concern security policy, crises and crisis management.

War and Defence
The master’s programme War and Defence gives those without a military background an opportunity to obtain a degree in war studies.

Innovation, Defence and Security
The master’s programme Innovation, Defence and Security provides you with an understanding of systems with the capability to contribute to – or affect – a society’s defence and security.

International Operational Law
The master’s programme International Operational Law is your path to a career as legal advisor in international law focused on peace, crisis and armed conflict.