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Politics, Security and Crisis

Shaping security policy for present and future crisis

The master’s programme Politics, Security and Crisis provides you with tailor-made political science knowledge and insights into issues that concern security policy, crises and crisis management.

Master's degree in Political Science

The programme leads to a Master’s Degree in Political Science with focus on Crisis Management and Security. You will study international security policy issues, the transnational nature of current security challenges and crises from a societal perspective.

The programme provides a broad but also a deep understanding of how society shapes its security policy and ability to handle present and future crises.

The studies includes several scenario-based role-plays, war gaming, and also offers an internship at relevant government agencies, in the private sector or international organisations such as the UN, EU and OSSE.

"Honestly it felt a little bit too good to be true. Because I'm really interested in defence and I thought it was very special that I could study at the Defence University."


Jedidja van Keulen, one of our international students, about why she chose to study here.

Meet our students

My bachelor's degree in peace and conflict studies at Lund University was very interesting, focusing on peace and peacebuilding measures. However, I felt that I was missing the other half of the perspective – the actual conflict, how it is driven and functions in practice. One needs to see the whole picture to make a real difference.

– Freja Wehrling
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Security is used in so many different contexts. I gained tools to identify how security can be used in various contexts, and sometimes without real security problems being involved. And when we problematized this issue early in the program, I knew I was in the right place.

– Daniel Magnil
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I'm super happy with the programme as such. The courses we have taken were very specialized. And the teachers... They are all at a very high level. I joke with my family back home in Växjö and say that all the experts you see on TV come from here.

– Gustav Christensson
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A unique academic environment

Our other master's programmes