
Schackspel, genrebild.

War and Defence

Understanding the dynamics of war and peacekeeping

The programme provides knowledge and insights into how wars are conducted, how modern defence systems are constructed, and how security policy is shaped and affects the world around us.

Degree in War Studies

The master’s programme War and Defence gives those without a military background an opportunity to obtain a degree in war studies.

Military force and military organisations often play an important role in upholding security and peace.

You will therefore also study humanitarian interventions, the role of peace-keeping forces and security policy.

The programme includes several scenario-based role-plays, war gaming, and also offers an internship at relevant government agencies, in the private sector or international organisations such as the UN, EU and OSSE.

"Honestly it felt a little bit too good to be true. Because I'm really interested in defence and I thought it was very special that I could study at the Defence University."


Jedidja van Keulen, one of our international students, about why she chose to study here.

Meet our students

During the first semester, we touched on everything from major wars to terrorism. One highlight was a hands-on wargaming week. But I found myself especially interested in irregular wars, like those in sub-Saharan Africa.

– Duncan Cooper.
Read the interview

My first in-depth study was my bachelor's thesis on cybersecurity. And once I developed an interest in security and crisis management, it was natural to look into the Swedish Defence University. Everyone studying and working here is interested in the same thing, but from different perspectives.

– Alva Nilsson
Read the interview

As a cybersecurity analyst I keep in close contact with customers, monitor the cybersecurity landscape, conduct business intelligence and provide advisory services. It's very exciting and varied in a world that continuously changes. You need to work fast, occasionally with short deadlines.

– Margarita Sallinen.
Read the interview

A unique academic environment

Our other master's programmes