

Studying as a Doctoral Student

The four years of doctoral studies are just that, an education to become a researcher. To assist him/her, the doctoral student has two supervisors and an individual study plan. The education is regulated by a number of local regulations, all of which are based on the Higher Education Ordinance.

A doctoral programme is four years and thus 240 credits. Of these, 60-75 credits are courses (different for different subjects), some of which are compulsory and some are elective. The thesis work itself occupies the remaining number of credits. The content of the individual doctoral student's education is regulated in an individual study plan (ISP).

Doctoral studies are guided by an individual study plan, which is established for each accepted doctoral student. The plan includes the commitments of the university and the doctoral student, as well as a timetable for the doctoral candidate’s course of study. It is to be followed up regularly.

During the first semester, the doctoral student usually attends compulsory courses, partly a method course and partly an introduction/in-depth study in each subject.

Every doctoral student has at least two supervisors, one of whom is their primary supervisor. Supervisors are appointed at the start of the programme by the Research Director, guided by proposals by the Subject Council. A doctoral student is permitted to request a change of supervisor.

Participation in academic subject and field-specific seminars is compulsory throughout the education period.

To receive a doctoral degree, the candidate must receive a passing grade on their doctoral thesis. Doctoral theses are to be defended orally at a slated public defence. The public defence must be attended by an opponent who is not active at the Swedish Defence University.
