datorskärm som visar en karta under en spelövning.

Development of wargaming

The gaming section at the Swedish Defence University conducts its own game development, and they develop and trial both digital and analog games. The games are then used in military and civilian training programs.

The Swedish Defence University has a team of experienced software developers and game designers who are responsible for designing and maintaining our gaming systems. This also includes the development of new scenarios for different education needs, where the complexity of a game can be adapted to the students’ prior knowledge.

Learning in focus for game development

Game development is focused on learning and increased educational usefulness for new game systems and scenarios. By having our own game development at the Swedish Defence University, we have great opportunities to create gaming environments adapted to our educational needs, instead of relying on commercial actors or strict entertainment games.

Realism and ’gamability’

A key challenge in war game development is the relationship between realism and ‘gamability’. So, by creating game systems used in our courses, we ensure that the games include the right level of realism to allow students to practice relevant decision-making. Involving and integrating game developers into the game elements of our courses enables an efficient development process that produces an outcome needed for both current and upcoming courses.
