Commissioned research
A large part of the Swedish Defence University's research consists of commissioned research for the Swedish Armed Forces, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and the Ministry of Defense and Justice.
The main part of our research on behalf of the Swedish Armed Forces is gathered in the areas of "military profession" and "war studies". Above all, the research contributes to building long-term operational capability in total defence and to meet known and identified threats as well as unknown developments.
We also carry out research, analysis support and training in crisis preparedness and total defence. The war in Ukraine and Sweden's application for NATO membership have resulted in several research, analysis and methodological support assignments, among other things linked to host nation support, NATO's structures and the demands these place on Sweden.
More about our commissioned research

Commissioned research for the Swedish Armed Forces
The Swedish Armed Forces’ Research and Technology Development programme aims to develop long-term operational capability within the Swedish total defence system.

Commissioned research for crisis management and total defence
The SEDU conducts research, analytical support and training in crisis preparedness and total defence, as well as in terrorism, violent extremism,, cyber security/cyber defence and more.

Security and defence policy research
The SEDU has an ongoing mission to provide the Swedish Ministry of Defence with policy-related research in crisis management, civil defence, influence operations, intelligence issues and mor...