



The Anna Lindh Library cooperates with the NATO Multimedia Library in Brussels.

The library provides literature about and about Nato in our physical and digital collection, including occasional Nato-produced material.

Our support for users regarding Nato-publications:

  • We support users when searching for "open" Nato material
  • We interlibrary loan and order articles from the Nato Library for students and staff
  • We refer to other instances/organizations for specific material
  • Fysical books about Nato are available on shelf 341.232.1NATO and on related shelves
  • Check out our new shelf: Sweden and NATO, it can be found at (485)341.232.1NATO
  • You can search for publications about Nato by selecting NATO as a subject in the library's search tool (primo)

Nato-publications that are available to the public are mainly available on the Natolibrary website.


The NATO Terminology Database, also known as NATOterms, includes both military and non-military terms relevant to the organization.

NATO terminology

The NATO Library Catalogue is a comprehensive resource that provides access to a wide range of publications and materials related to Nato activities.

NATO Library Catalogue

NATO-publications include a variety of documents that are openly available and consist of several different sources, ranging from the Secretary General's annual report to legal publications, cyber and AI, and gender perspectives.

NATO publications

NATO research guides offer information on a variety of topics related to Nato missions, including cyber, hybrid warfare, artificial intelligence, climate change, energy security and much more.

NATO Research Guides

Some of NATO's standards (STANAG, Standard NATO Agreement) are available on the Nato website.

NATO standardization office

For other questions about standards from Nato, we refer to the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration's standard library.

The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration's standard library

NATO Handbooks serve as reference works that provide a comprehensive overview of the Alliance. They include, for example, information on:

  • NATO's origins and basic security tasks
  • The Alliance's development and current policies
  • NATO's organisational structure and decision-making processes
  • Operational roles and ongoing operations
  • Collaborations with partner countries and other organisations

NATO handbooks
